Gisborne Selfstorage Moving Checklist

Moving Checklist

Self Storage Gisborne moving checklist

Although all care has been taken in compiling our checklist, we do not accept any liability for the correctness and completeness of this information.

Give us a call on 06 867 3233 if you want to have a chat or have a question on the below. 

  • Ring us and book a storage unit for your household items
  • Arrange a furniture removal company or hire of a truck or trailer.
  • Contact your current insurance company and organise the transfer or modification of policies. 
  • If renting, give your landlord written notice.
  • All the items you do not want to move sell at a garage sale, give away to charity, or throw out what needs to be thrown out. In this context pay attention also to any inflammables such as paint, turpentine, and the like as these are not allowed to be stored and/or transported by moving companies.
  • Now is the time to start your packing. Items that aren't used often (e.g. stored in your garage / at the back of cupboard) should be the first to be packed.
  • Identify contents of each box and state the location where it is to go (kitchen, master bedroom, office, garage). Store packed boxes accordingly to make sorting out and loading on moving day easy.
  • Set a date for your garage sale and arrange necessary advertisements and announcements for this garage sale with the papers.

Notify change of address:

  • Newspapers, magazines, clubs and associations
  • Banks
  • Doctors
  • Department of Transport (Driver's Licence)
  • Start to use up your frozen food from the deep freezer and try not to add any more.
  • Arrange to have your lawnmower, weed eater etc. serviced for moving in order to avoid any damage due to possible leakage and/or fire during the move.
  • Have any oil or fuel drained (pay attention to the rules and requirements of the self storage company and the moving company).
  • Plan your actions for moving day. If travel is involved, prepare travel route, stops, accommodation, etc, and make bookings accordingly.
  • Confirm your moving schedule with real estate agent/landlord/vendor/lawyer. Arrange interim housing if necessary.
  • Ensure all relatives and friends have been notified of your new address.
  • Have your mail forwarded to new address from the post office from moving day onwards.
  • Make plans for spending your last night - where you will stay, whether and how you will celebrate/say your last good-byes, etc.
  • Collect all your items from the dry-cleaners, take back your books to the library, give borrowed items back to their owners (neighbours, friends, relatives, ...).
  • Settle any outstanding bills. 
  • If appropriate, transfer or close your current bank accounts. 
  • Make sure your rubbish is collected before you are moving from the old address.
  • See us at the storage facility, fill out the contract and have storage all organized.
  • Arrange to have sufficient cash or cheques ready to cover the move and all auxiliary costs.
  • Make a plan to use any remaining food in your refrigerator over the last days in your old home. 
  • Plan for any special needs (of children/pets/sick people etc) prior to, during and after the move. Have some medication handy (band aid, pain killers etc). 
  • Pack a kind of emergency box with some tea bags or other drinks, cookies, snack food, mugs, can opener, glasses, towel, soap, screw driver, etc... 
  • If you want to take down your TV antenna, arrange for having it disconnected before moving. 
  • Consider having your children or pets supervised by other people on moving day and make arrangements accordingly. 
  • Pack your personal luggage. Carry jewellery and valuable documents yourself. 
  • Defrost and clean deep freezer/refrigerator. Empty water from washing machine, dish washer, garden hose.
  • Keep separate your cleaning equipment for final cleaning of your old home and preparatory cleaning of your new home. (Moving companies are not allowed to transport any inflammables and storage companies do not store them either). Check with companies' policies.  

Stop Supplies:

  • Ring power company to have the meter read (allow 2 working days).
  • Have gas meter read.
  • Arrange disconnection or transferral of phone.
  • Stop delivery of milk, bread and newspapers and maybe other services.
  • Inspect your home from top to bottom, yards, attic, garage - any spot you can think of. Check cupboards, drawers and possibly secret storage areas for belongings that may have been left behind so far.
  • Pay attention also to the areas around the house in order not to leave anything behind you would not like to miss (statues, urns, water features, pots, rocks, ...) if not sold with the house.  
     Empty water bed. Allow plenty of time to drain. May take several hours to be ready for transport.
  • Water the pot plants you want to move and when dried sufficiently put them into boxes tightly so that they support each other. Each small plant with pot can be rolled in a type of newspaper tube to keep them separate. 
  • Make sure that items you need first at your destination are marked "load last" so that they are unloaded immediately. 
  • Spend the time at the old house. Don't leave until the movers have gone. Oversee the inventory with the moving company. 
  • Check that the phone has been disconnected, the gas & power meters read. Turn off all switches. Lock all windows and doors.
  • Hand keys to landlord/real estate agent/lawyer.
  • Meet removal men at the self storage facility and/or new address and supervise the unloading.
  • Have a stiff whisky and celebrate the successful move.

Helpful Hints for Better Storage

  • The use of quality cartons, tea chests, bubble wrap, plastic covers will maintain and protect your goods whilst in storage.
  • Fill your cartons to capacity because partially-filled, they will bulge, tip and collapse. Pack heavy items like books and tools into smaller boxes so that they are easier to handle.
  • Label and number your cartons in case you have to find something while they are in storage.
  • All larger items should go into the unit first, placed on the floor with lighter things on top. You can also fill the drawers and cupboards of furniture items with smaller goods.
  • Spray furniture with good polish beforehand.
  • Use corrugated cardboard to protect tables, wardrobes and larger items. 
    It is best to cover all your effects (once they are in the unit) with old sheets, blankets or towels especially if you are storing for an extended period of time.
  • During humid summer and damp winter months we recommend that you use a moisture absorber in your unit, especially if you are storing sensitive equipment.
  • Defrost, dry and clean refrigerators and freezers before storing and leave doors ajar. A deodoriser placed inside is also a good idea to maintain freshness.
  • Drain water from washing machine hoses and tape them to the back of the machine.
  • Mark hoses "hot" or "cold" if not indicated.
  • Any damage caused by water leakage to adjoining storage units will be charged to your account.
  • Wrap breakables (China/Crystal) individually in bubble wrap or paper, packing them tightly into a strong box or tea chest.
  • Fill gaps with scrunched paper to prevent items moving around.
  • Mark the box FRAGILE and store carefully so that it cannot fall down. Do not place anything heavy on top.
  • Paintings, mirrors bubble-wrap and store in an upright position.
  • Wrap mattresses, bed bases and lounge suites with specifically designed plastic covers. Remember mattresses contain moisture!
  • Use cartons, plastic or cloth bags for storing clothing.
  • Place additional pest strips or moth balls inside.
  • Computers, stereos, TV, videos and electrical equipment need special care. The original boxes are highly recommended for packing. However bubble wrap and good quality cartons will do the job. Pack out the gaps. If you are unsure, refer to the manufacturer's manual or consult your retailer.
  • We recommend that you remove batteries from battery-operated appliances and toys to avoid damage from leaking batteries.
  • Keep items off floor for long term storage to improve airflow. 

What Not to Store

Any goods that are illegal, stolen, inflammable, explosive, environmentally harmful, hazardous, perishable or that are a risk to the property of any person. e.g. Chlorine, acid, paint and petrol.